Mountain Tambora

Posted by ntbtour

One of the famous Sumbawa tourism is mountain Tambora. The Mountain has a height of 2850 meters is able to enchant the tourists. Mount Tambora is familiar with The Greatest Crater in Indonesia, because it has a very large craters have a circumference that is approximately 16 kilometers and has a depth of 800 meters. Along the edge of the crater there is a broad sand and flowers grow there is Edelweiss dwarf about 0.5 meters to 1.5 meters with a distance of about two meters grow up to one hundred meters. Tambora added beauty to the existence of layered rocks in the table even as the natural phenomena that beautiful.

While at the peak, can enjoy the beauty of the crater, ocean, satonda island, and a vast deserts. Mount Tambora, including one of the beautiful mountain in Indonesia.
Mount Tambora administratively located in the Regency of Bima, Sumbawa island, and geographically located between: 8o - 25'LS and 118o - 00 'BT with a height of between 0-2851 mdpl, the mountain is the highest mountain on the island of Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara Province . Mount Tambora area divided into two sites of conservation, namely: North Tambora Wildlife Reserve with an area of 80,000 hectares and Tambora Hunting South Park with an area of 30,000 hectares.
How to get here? You can fly to Sumbawa Besar and Bima from Bali (occasionally), from where tours can be arranged of Mount Tambora. Fights also come in from Mataram on Lombok in under an hour. Boats serve Port Tano east from Lombok, from where buses take about 5 or 6 hours to reach Dompu, the stop-off point. Buses from here to the mountain's villages are trekking around 5 hours.

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