The Mount Of Rinjani

Posted by ntbtour

Rinjani volcano, located on the island of Lombok in Indonesia is a volcano which is the second in Indonesia after Mount Kerinci in Sumatra. Gunung Kerinci height of 3.805 meters, while the height of Mount Rinjani 3.726 meters above sea level.

Rinjani volcano is located on latitude 25 º 8A "116Â º S and 28" T, is a favorite for mountain-climber climber in Indonesia because the beauty of the landscape. This mountain is located in Gunung Rinjani National Park that has a knowledgeable about 41.330 hectares.

History eruption

1. 10 - 12 September 1847
2. 8 - 10 August 1884 (+ / - 1 day)
3. 30 November - 2 December 1900
4. 1 - 2 Jun 1901
5. 29 April 1906 -?
6. 30 November - 2 December 1909
7. 4 November 1915 -?
8. May 30, 1941
9. 25 December 1943 - 1 January 1944
10. 1949 - 1950
11. Oct 15 1953 + / - 45 days
12. September 1965 -?
13. 28 March 1966 - 8 August 1966
14. 3 Jun - 21 November 1994
15. September 1995
16. 1 - 5 October 2004

Nature Rinjani

Rinjani in the forest areas, including forest type on homogeneous and heterogeneous areas certain areas. Altitude of approximately 1000 to 2000 (above sea level) are the types of plants such as Beringin (Ficus Superb), garu (Dysoxylum sp), Bayur, and residents of the area planted vegetables such as potatoes, chili, cabbage, and onion. How about an altitude of 2000 to 3000 started many tree-lined mountain pine (Casuarina junghuniana). Up to a height of up to 3000 there were just the type of herb and edelweiss / lifelong flower.

The most exotic is a lake in the Rinjani Segare Children (Segare means Son of the Sea and the meaning children) vulkanik that the eruption of Mount Rinjani result. Society called ocean / sea water lake because the color is blue like the sea. This lake is located at an altitude of 2800 M, there are many fish and other flora fauna. Fish that are found in many lakes is the gold fish, and fish mujair Harper.

It is reported in February 2005 climbing team's climber Astacala successful spear fish with a gold weight 3.5 kg. Lake Segara Anak trusted by the people around that you can have a miracle cure disease, but also to get the cult objects of magic. Near Lake Segara Anak there is a small mountain called Gunung Baru finger (mountain, so the new / new mount). Rare people who can to the top of the mountain even though the new information onto existing routes there, this may be because New Mountain is still active, and removing the gas.

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