Tourism Regions .Gili rifle and Sacred, Exotic Regions For Tourism In Sumbawa Island

Gili two areas (a small island of Sumbawa) rifle and the Gili. Gili Kerapatan which is located in District Utan should be recognized as an area for exotic tourism.

Besides having stunning scenery and nature that is still virgin, the carpet of white sand that has been captivating nature are to enjoy, if not a local government can be developed as a tourist destination that is not less than the area in three Gili islands lombok.

Ir. Padusung, MM-Head Office Tourism Youth and Sports Sumbawa Regency the natural condition that is still virgin still maintained as the value of selling arouse.

While information on the area actually has to reverberate in the ears of the tourists.

often tourists from Bali, through the travel agency to bring tourists come just stop by though and sunbathing, they often do not even come to use the boat to the area two Gili.

Gili these two areas can be accessed through labuhanpadi, if you use the boat only takes a normal, about 25 minutes, if using a spead boat only 10 minutes, now this has been that the private sector try to be open, but the new labuhanpadi.

Bungin Island in Sumbawa

8 hectares with an area inhabited more than 2800 people, Bungin could be the world's most populous island. The history, ethics of the fishing population, and the story of the goats in the paper to complete a unique coral island is.

"You certainly attracted to the story because there Goat eating paper?. Only in Bungin you can view it directly, and trust, "so said Indra, a village of Alas, Sumbawa District.

The question almost always asked people there to ask people outside the island Bungin fatigued, and want to go to the island.
Bungin islands located in the sea of Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. Precisely in the northern island of Sumbawa. Administratively Bungin included in the District Alas.
Not difficult to find. From Sumbawa Besar, Sumbawa regency capital, is only about 70 KM to the west. Meanwhile, from Mataram, spend time driving around 6 to 8 hours drive to the east, including travel sea ships crossing the Lombok-Sumbawa.
Few ask the residents in the village Alas, must lie directly indicated Bungin Island. Of land along the road in the Alas, the island Bungin be visible because distance is only about 4 KM from the north Alas.

Now, the island Bungin must not cross over with the boat, use a motorcycle or a car can also be because the embankment is made of fabric that connects Bungin reef with the mainland.
Stories about the Goat eating paper, are very attached to the image Bungin Island. Sounds really strange. But the scenery is something to be common for people Bungin.
Bungin goat in the food have no choice other than waste paper and cloth used. The texture of the rocks of the island is not possible for plants to grow, although the only grass.

Every visitor who came there to see the goats eat paper, dozens of elementary school age children will be happy to give instructions. They roll in search of paper or carton to be used on the goat herd.

Although only survive with the food waste paper and cloth used, in the goat population Bungin enough.

Since 2002, the island has become Bungin village with three definitive Hamlet, in the area of District Alas. The population of the area and the island is possible.
Official records in the Office of the Village Bungin mention, number of residents at this time to reach the Head of Family 609 of Life 2826.
"This island may be the only one most populous island, and the only island that the width continues to increase," said Sopian, the Village Head Island Bungin.
According to him, when measured back in 2002, the island knowledgeable about 6 hectares, but now the island is to be knowledgeable about 8 hectares.
Bungin islands are very dense population. Home residents are very structured meetings, with the distance between the house only about 1.5 meters.

House construction is typical Bungin houses, covering a broad shown evenly island. Because the solid, there are some houses that meet the roof.
Customary law on marriage Bungin residents, the reason that makes Island Bungin still able to accommodate the growing number of residents. Because in the customary law, the pair set teenagers who want to marry must build their own location to establish their homes.
Way, the pair had to collect corals for stacked outside on the island, which is determined. Size of location could reach 6 x 12 square meters. Once the location of established, new they can marry and establish homes. Therefore, knowledgeable Bungin island growing from year to year.
"Usually can take 3 to 7 days for a single location. But that rule is hereditary, if they do not make the location so can not marry, "said Sopian.
But, for residents Bungin that does not make the rules, for coral collection is usually done with the work together.
Can be spelled out, the island is a coral island Bungin formation. Although the the National Land Agency (BPN) Sumbawa, always measure the broad island every five years, but no one even has a certificate of land.

"Because this is not the mainland, this formation of coral. But in this island residents do not make the certificate, there is only description of the property issued by the Village Office, "said Sopian.

The Legend Mayo
Population Bungin eyed main island fishermen. They are the descendants of the tribe of Bajo and Bugis, Makassar.
From the story of heredity which they believe, was knowledgeable Bungin island only about 3 hectares, texture intact coral. First population is the ancestor of those who brought in the marine Panglima Mayo, a combatant in South Sulawesi, when the recessive Dutch colony in the year 1818.
"Hence the language of daily life here Bajo language, not the native language Sumbawa region," he said.
Despite all the main population-eyed fishermen, residents of the island is quite well established. Far from the usual effects of poverty seen in the fishing villages in West Nusa Tenggara.
Almost all families have the electronics. Most have low television, complete with a digital receiver parabola.
In fact, children Bungin is not foreign to the Play Station. There are a number of rental lease Play Station there.
Needs of everyday people in there, also tolerable level. Because, except marine products, all other needs must be purchased. Start sembako, to clean water.
This is unique. Needs for day-to-day, fulfilling the women that.
"Husband us to sea, sometimes up to 3 months at sea. We are looking for money to spend, "said Hasnah, wife Bungin fishermen.
For that, Hasnah and women looking for other fish, shellfish, and tripang Bungin around the island. The result is size able, they can pocket thousands of Rp15 to Rp30 thousand per day.
Fishermen on the island of Bungin using modern fishing techniques. With the ships are large, use the machine and paste the screen, they can be to sea to the sea island of Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and Ocean. In addition to hunt fish with nets, they are also famous walking Lobster hunt.
Nah, the sea fishermen this is then used for additional family members. Starting from the need to build houses, send children to buy jewelry, to a pilgrimage.
Population Bungin very love this island. Despite the economic well-established, they never think to buy the land and moved home to the land.
"Peti kalamndan isian kepeh bubungin, pdi dendamku malenan tana bungin". Poetic tradition from generation to generation is a fastener. In Bajo poetic language that means, many already kuisi chest with money from Bungin, if my heart sick leave Bungin land.
"On the land are usually many temptations, and many also do not feel safe. For example there is a thief. So that, even though the sea can be many months, people Bungin definitely back, "said Sopian.
Island Bungin they do not feel concerned about a matter of security and comfort, because they tie each other brother to keep.
Only one fear that they fear Him, that is, the fire. Imagine a house with a position that is a meeting place, a fire can spread very quickly.
"So if there are symptoms of a fire, then all the people here to be the extinguisher. But hopefully it never happens, "said Sopian.
Owing to their economic capabilities, the infrastructure on the island continue Bungin also improved from year to year. PLN electricity and water taps have to go there.

Now, Bungin already become one of tourism object in Sumbawa. Many domestic and foreign tourists want to see from the close.
There is one that never changes on the island. Despite all the houses have a bathroom, but no one have any home toilet. Dispose of water remain to be done at sea.
Besides hospitality of the people, there are certainly impressive when visiting the island Bungin. We can enjoy the beautiful Sunrise and Sunset on the island of the same

Recognize Sumbawa Tourism Culture

Dalam Loka (The Old Palace)
Ancient palace is made of wood that was built during the government of Sultan Jalaluddin Muhammad Syah III (about 1885 M). Currently used as a "Regional Museum Sumbawa" storage objects Sumbawa Regency history. This palace is a two twin buildings on the pole in as many as 99 large wooden pieces, according to the nature of God in the Al - Qur'an (Asma'ul Husna). In Loka in this we can see the carving motifs typical Samawa area, as the ornaments on the wooden building. In this miniature Loka can be seen at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) Jakarta.

Praja wisma / Wisma Region (Government House)
Is the Dutch Palace building in 1932, as the dwelling place of the last Sultan Kaharuddin III, perform the activities of government. Now used as the reception - guests magnificent and activities - activities ceremony / reception of a formal, and other governance meetings.

Bala Kuning (The Yellow House)
the house where the family lived the last Sultan. Can be found here things magical kingdom, such as bulging, Sarpedang, Payung Kamutar, Tear (spear / javelin), Keris, hand Qur'an by Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Al-ox (around year 1784) Government at the time of Sultan Harrunnurrasyid II (1770 - 1790), which is always well maintained.

Hamlet Pamulung
a village in the area including the Village Coral Dima Labuan Badas District, located about 8 km from the town of Sumbawa Besar. Hamlet is a village tour, because the village can be met and we see various cultural attraction areas, such as Karaci, Kebo racing, Dancing, traditional dance and traditional music.

Village Tepal
Traditional village, located 37 km from the city center, enter in the District of Batu Lanteh. This village can be on foot or by horse. Village Tepal save a lot of traditional culture, because people still adhere to customs and Culture Samawa. This can be seen from how to dress, how to live and a unique form of home, so this village is also called the Village People.

Poto village
One of the villages in the district of Sumbawa still maintain cultural preservation areas such as traditional weaving, making gerabah games and attractions such as the people's horse racing, racing buffalo. Poto village that is located in District Moyo Hilir approximately 13 km from the city of Sumbawa can easily be reached with the means of land transportation that always serve the route each day.

Liang evening
Dark caves that have stalaktit and stalaknit, found in carvings, stone carvings with animal head ornaments people, people who are weaving and many other ornaments. This cave is located near the village of Batu Tering Moyo Hulu District, with a distance of approximately 29 km from the town of Sumbawa Besar. Not far from there is this evening Liang Liang Bukal (bat cave).

Island Bungin
Often referred to as the most populous island in the world, because the population density +14,000 people / km. Known also very safe as far as the life of this community is always safe and peaceful. On the island will not be found agricultural land, crops and livestock. Lands that are used to build runah live. To build a new home, they must work together to prepare a coral reef that has been collected sebelumya. The absence of the above to bring unique, because the livestock (goats) of this island not only eat the leaves, but also paper, fish, and dry goods that have been torn. Bungin islands are still in the Alas subdistrict or + 70 km from the city of Sumbawa. To reach this island motor boat is available that runs between the islands and Central Bungin Alas land or through the vehicle.

Kaung Island (Kaung Island)
An island which is a fishing village located not too far from the island Bungin. To reach this island is no longer menyebrangi sea, but can be passed through the land with the vehicle and take the ride gig. Crafts people from shellfish can be found on the island.

Hamlet Talwa
It is the village blacksmith (Black Smith) who maintain the traditional nature in the thick of making a knife, chopping knife, hoe, tembilang, and so forth. Hamlet Talwa which is called by the tourists as Blingin Germany is located in the district of Moyo Hulu, the distance of 14 km from the town of Sumbawa Besar.

Moyo, the beautiful island in Sumbawa

Although small, the island is quiet but has a natural wealth of this extraordinary, successful entrap some "big" sekaliber Lady Diana and Mick Jagger for the holiday. Moyo Island, a small island located in the northern island of Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara Province. See the beauty of the beach, sea and natural, that it offers the tranquility of the outdoors and the beauty beneath the sea.

LeisureRoll - To reach Moyo Island is very easy. Travel by car can go from Sumbawa Besar to AiBari, a coastal village located about 20 km North of Sumbawa Besar. Or if do not want to be bothered, and Tambora Hotel Kencana Beach Hotel in Sumbawa Besar, can set the way to this island. Ai in the Bari language Samawa means the salt water, is a poor fishing village facilities, but the people of Samawa, Bajo and Bugis who inhabit this region, very friendly.

Travel from Bari to Ai Moyo Island can be more or less for 15 minutes with a speedboat, or use the ship ketinting. One of the fishermen who always provide transportation this is Mr. Lahi who are used to receive foreign guests, and often written in a variety of tour guide!

Moyo island has a height variation from 0-648 m above sea level. As the area of sustainable island of approximately 30,000 hectares of this, hundreds of butterfly will be visible from behind the shrubbery, trees or in the middle of the savanna. This island is also inhabited 21 kinds of bats, birds, macaque, wild pig, deer and snakes. With the natural environment that is still very natural, is not recommended to enter the island without a guide. Because it is likely to lose.

"However strange, every time there is a misguided, must still find a way out themselves. Some" digiring "by a bird or butterfly," said Pak Maman, one of the guide here. According to him again, "the" (read: being subtle) forest on the island of Moyo does not really bother.

When visiting this island, we can see the natural beauty that is still natural. The beautiful forests and nearly never left, waterfalls and rivers, nature, and beauty under the sea there is no utmost. In addition to hiking in the forest, the rivers and waterfalls, some of the caves can be reached on foot, can be an alternative activity.

One is Gua Ai Manis to be achieved with a little looking up at the cliffs. This cave where hundreds of bats nest. In addition, other activities you can do is trekking for two hours that can be started from Labuan Haji, to the waterfall Brang Rea (Big River), located in the middle of the island.

Moyo Island is also a "paradise" for the bird lover. 124 species of birds found in Sumbawa, 86 species of them are on the island. Rare bird species also may be found here. Among them is a head cockatoo yellow and singed bird. The last bird, because relying on the unique plants and branches to produce heat during the incubation period of eggs.

If you'd like snorkeling or diving, the area around the island offers a range of beauty under the sea that is also not less interesting. Marine parks that form the formation of hard and soft coral beautiful, can also be found sponge (spon) and crustacea. A Dutch tourist who happened just finished snorkeling, share experiences. "Earlier when I see snorkeling small sharks swimming around the coast Ai Manis. And around that place, really beautiful scenery karangnya. I also see the eel, said Karsten, tourists are.

Moyo Island also offers natural beauty under the sea. Almost the entire island is surrounded by coral reefs that are still in good condition and not damaged. Shark with a length of approximately two meters, anemon, pelagik, eel, groupers and even Manta, all there is. If you want to visit, you can do around the Island Medang, located in the West Sea island of Moyo.

You can contact Blue Laguna Resort is located on the outskirts of the city of Sumbawa Besar. Cruises from Bali, Lombok or even abroad often do sojourn on the island. Pcrjalanan usually stop in Moyo Island and Island Satonda, tiny island in the north-east of Moyo Island that has salt water lake in the middle of the island.

In addition to out of reach domestic tourists, the campaign on the island Moyo is still very small. For a vacation here, it takes time and the availability of enough funds. However, when there is a desire to see the beauty of a small country, Moyo Island is one place that should visited. "If we're lucky coincidence, you can see a group of flying fish," said Mr. Lahi point while a group of flying fish that leap from being in the water to the surface

Senggigi Beach, Beautiful Island On The Island of Lombok

Senggigi beach, located on the north side of Bangsal, is the most popular beach and is famous for its natural beauty. Beach is located 12 kilometers from the northwest of Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Lombok, the spread is almost 10 km along with the carpet of white sand that seems to tempt you to sit for a moment above and forget all the routines of your life, density of traffic , and breathe fresh air, enjoy the water with the sea blue green gradation and enjoy the beautiful sunset at the beach Senggigi.

How to Achieve This Area
There are several alternatives to achieve the Senggigi Beach, namely:
  1. From Bali; Arriving in the Port of Sheet, you can directly go to Senggigi beach with the bus 3 / 4, or charter a car with other passengers.
  2. From Jakarta and other big cities; Arrive at the airport, you can take a taxi that will take you to the hotel where the stay.
  3. Ampenan from, you can climb Bemo available starting at 06.00 am to 06.30 PM for about Rp. 1.500 to Ampenan-Senggigi, or Senggigi-Ampenan.
Place Stay
Around Senggigi beach there are many lodging options that can be tailored to your needs. Ranging from hotels, resorts, hotels and lodging jasmine. Some places that can be made overnight alternative is the Holiday Inn, the Oberoi, Sheraton Senggigi, Melati Dua Cottage, Pool Villa Club, Panorama Cottage, and others.

Dining place
Sidewalk along the beach, park restaurants that provide various types of specialty of the Lombok and other types of dishes. During his time in Lombok, do not forget to taste Chicken Taliwang and Kangkung Plecing.

If you want to circumnavigate Senggigi beach but do not want to get tired quickly, you can climb cidomo "NTB that transportation typically drawn by a horse." Or you can also corral beach walk

You Can See Or Do
Many activities you can do here, such as swimming, canoeing, diving, snorkeling or just sunbathing and enjoying the scenery.

Hand Fruit
Along the path Senggigi beach, there are lots of souvenir shops that offer goods such as handicrafts typical Lombok paintings, handicrafts, woven cloth Lombok, pearl jewelry and other.